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‘Unchained in One-Day’

Someplace in ‘Europe’

With this short 'Awakening Journey' we want to reconnect with the hundreds of organizations and companies that have booked me (Jef) as a speaker or panel member since 2002 (start as a self-employed person) and the participants in programs that we have organized ourselves with Red Monkey Company.

Without their investment and enthusiasm, it would have been impossible to continue working in my passion. Not only did they make it possible to bridge the sometimes very difficult periods, but also through their challenging questions - before, during and after - they challenged me to find an answer to the following questions: "How do you build truly learning and disruptively innovative organizations?" or "How can you embed Red Monkey Innovation Management in your organizational culture?" or "How do you get rid of sheepish behavior?"

The questions may be 'simple', but finding the right answers was not. It was like solving a puzzle without being able to see the final image. Today I can finally say that the puzzle is complete enough to show the result. Much later than expected and much more confrontational with the current trends in the field of organizational development. The latter was not the plan, but the result of systems thinking and avoiding consensus thinking.

On this Awakening Journey, we lift the tip of the veil. For more information about this session, please visit If you really want to be immersed in the full EOI Mindset, you can visit ... (Executive Packs only).

Creator, Jef Staes, Red Monkey Company

The Unchained One-Day Timing

  • 08u45 > Coffee & More

  • 09u30 > Session 1

    Intro to the Session

    Switch-3D, The Battle of the Smarts (Interactive Teaching)

    What has fundamentally changed in this world? Why? What makes people valuable@work? Why are people loosing their value? How to boost your personal value? Why do we need to switch from Discipline & Intelligence to Passion & Talent? What are the consequences & solutions? What is the difference between ‘chained’ and ‘unchained’ experts, managers & executives?

    3D-Smarts are Bright (Interactive Teaching)

    What is the impact of Passion & Talent (3D-Smarting) on learning? What are the consequences? What are ‘3D-Learning Competences'? What is the impact of 3D-Smarting on Innovation? How do you (easily) recognize 3D-Smarts? Todays 2D-Educational System and 2D-Training & Development in organizations are killers of our natural power to learn? What change is needed? What is the difference between ‘chained’ and ‘unchained’ learning & innovation? What are the consequences?

    The Switch-3D Fracture (Interactive Teaching)

    What is the impact of 3D-Smarting (Passion & Talent) on the evolution of Innovation? Consequences? Why do change and innovation projects fail or miss the needed agility? Solutions? Why are we facing a disruption in employment? What are the disruptive consequences for Team Management and Human Resources Management? Why are ‘chained’ experts, managers & executives killing organizations?

    Engagement (World Café Setup) > Reporting

  • 12u30 > Lunch

  • 14u00 > Session 2

    Intro to the Session

    The Power Defect (Interactive Teaching)

    What is the real meaning of ‘Competent’? What’s the biggest 'innovation-killer-in-organizations’? Why is Culture Innovation without buy-in of the CEO Impossible? What’s the 3D-Peter Principle? How to solve the ‘Power Defect’ in organizations? Why do we have to embrace ‘Crossing Generations’? Consequences?

    Red Monkey Innovation Management (Interactive Teaching)

    How to solve the ‘Switch3D Fracture’ & the ‘Power Defect’ with (Continuous) Red Monkey Innovation Management? How to start? What are the consequences. Why do we have to embrace ‘Open & Limitless Innovation’? Impact? How to start with disruptive innovation in your organization without starting a revolution?

    Engine of Innovation Culture Innovation (Interactive Teaching)

    What is an Organizational Culture? What are the Switch3D Challenges for Organizational Cultures? The making of the Engine of Innovation Mindset & Toolkit. What are the dramatic Culture Innovation Challenges Executives have to face? What is the Engine of Innovation Operating System for Organizations?, Reporting)

    Engagement (World Café Setup) > Reporting

  • 17u00 > Day After Possibilities > Networking with Drinks & Bites

  • +/- 18u15> 2D-End … 3D-Start?

The UNCHAINED Partners

If you ever heard Jef’s ‘Red Monkeys Story’ and you want to know more then this is the moment to become partner in organizing this One-Day Unchained Journey in your region, company, organization or network.

The UNCHAINED Questions

  • This is the place where will answer the most asked questions about ‘Unchained’ …