Only the unchained can boost Real Learning & Disruptive Innovation!

Only the unchained understand the real power of passion & talent!

This page it still under construction … but already open for questions or suggestions … mailto:

The Unchained Motivation

Inspired By

The poster & title are inspired by the movie ‘Django Unchained’ in which a freed slave becomes a gun slinger and sets out to rescue his enslaved wife from a brutal plantation owner in Mississippi. This Awakening Journey aims to unchain people as well. Not with bullets but with paradigm breaking concepts and disruptive ‘Red Monkeys’ (confrontational ideas) to release the real potential of the right experts, managers and executives.

It’s about our future

The world is shifting in a higher gear. Disruptive innovation and unintended (destructive) consequences from unsustainable innovations result in a market and a world that changes faster and more unpredictable.

The biggest boost for real learning and disruptive innovation can be realized, not by training & development or competence management, but by removing the fences around people that made real learning & disruptive innovation almost impossible. By enabling and supporting people to migrate to places where they can work in the groove with their passions & talents … real learning, engaged working and disruptive innovation will happen spontaneously.

With ‘Unchained’ we introduce participants to a new foundation for organizational development. Without understanding and accepting the real meaning of learning and its dramatic impact on education, working and innovation, it will be impossible to upgrade your organizational culture to keep up with todays and future trends & challenges.

We’ve chained the potential of most of us and disabled organizations to become real learning and innovative organizational cultures. This is unsustainable!
— Jef Staes

The Unchained Calendar

We are kicking off ‘Unchained’ Open Sessions on following date … click on poster for more info!


Regio De Kempen

Donderdag 21 maart 2024


The Unchained FLOW & Structure

Currently, we are offering ‘Unchained’ as a ‘One-Day’ Intensive Awakening Journey. It combines fast-paced Keynote Teaching with Engagement & Reporting.

This journey can be organized in Dutch or English.

Step 1: Be Prepared

  • Access to Handouts, Video Library & More …

  • Brief Guides and Reporters

During the ‘One Day’ session below, participants will be ‘connected’ with Guides & Reporters. These experts have one goal: to stimulate engagement between the participants. Awakening in a new paradigm will only happen after debate, Q&A and understanding!


Step 2: One Day Awakening

Awakening Session 1 (+/- 3 hours)

Switch-3D, The Battle of the Smarts

  • What has fundamentally changed in this world? Why?

  • What makes people valuable@work? Why are people losing their value?

  • Why do we need to switch from Discipline & Intelligence to Passion & Talent?

  • What are the consequences & solutions?

  • What is the difference between ‘chained’ and ‘unchained’ professionals?

3D-Smarts are Bright

  • What is the impact of Passion & Talent on learning? What are the consequences?

  • What are ‘3D-Learning Competences'? How do you (easily) recognize 3D-Smarts?

  • Why are today’s Educational System and HRM killers of our power to learn?

  • What is the difference between ‘chained’ and ‘unchained’ learning & innovation?

The Switch-3D Fracture

  • What is the impact of 3D-Smarting on the evolution of Innovation? Consequences?

  • Why do change and innovation projects fail or miss the needed agility? Solutions?

  • Why are we facing a disruption in employment?

  • What are the disruptive consequences for Team Management and HRM?

  • Why are ‘chained’ professionals killing organizations?

Awakening Session 2 (+/- 3 hours)

The Power Defect

  • What is the real meaning of ‘Competent’?

  • What’s the biggest 'innovation-killer-in-organizations’?

  • Why is Culture Innovation without buy-in of the CEO Impossible?

  • What’s the 3D-Peter Principle? How to solve the ‘Power Defect’ in organizations?

  • Why do we have to embrace ‘Crossing Generations’? Consequences?

Red Monkey Innovation Management

  • How do you solve the ‘Switch3D Fracture’ & the ‘Power Defect’?

  • What is Red Monkey Innovation Management? Where to start?

  • Why do we have to embrace ‘Open & Limitless Innovation’? Impact?

  • How to start with disruptive innovation without starting a revolution?

The Innovation of Culture Innovation

  • What is an Organizational Culture?

  • What are the Switch3D Challenges for Organizational Cultures?

  • What is the Engine of Innovation Mindset & Toolkit?

  • What are the dramatic Culture Innovation Challenges Executives have to face?

  • What is the Engine of Innovation Operating System for Organizations?

Step 3: Day After

  • Participants to Unchained can become a ‘Red Monkey Explorer Kickstarter Member’!

  • Make the next step and go for ‘The Perfect Organization’ with an Executive Pack from your Organization, Company or Network …

We organize this Unchained Awakening Journey as an Open Session (with possible interested partners) or as an In-Company Session. For more info …

The Unchained Questions & Answers